采购与招标网 ,交通运输 云南 2025-02-11
Gold Supply Chain Management Policy of
Yunnan Dianjin Investment Co., Ltd. pursues the sustainable development strategy. We recognize that selection and control of suppliers, especially in gold transaction and procurement of key raw materials, is of particular importance to sustainable development. The Policy is specially formulated to comprehensively implement guideline of OECD for supply chain due diligence in conflict areas and high-risk areas and practice LBMA RGG responsible management system.
We have conducted due diligence for gold suppliers to ensure that gold acquisition by us is all legal and irrelevant to crimes, armed conflicts and infringement upon human rights. All suppliers need to follow all requirements of LBMA RGG management system and acquisition of all categories of gold products provided for us shall be all legal. They shall not be engaged in any activities which will fund conflicts and shall obey related sanction resolutions of the United Nations or follow domestic laws executing such resolutions if applicable. They shall not be involved in the following:
One、Serious infringement acts related to mineral exploration, transportation or transaction:
1.在受冲突影响和高风险区域开展采购或经营活动时,我们既不会容忍也 不会以任何方式获利于、帮助、协助或便利任何一方实施:
1. We will not tolerate or benefit from, help, assist or facilitate any party to implement the following when carrying out procurement or operation in conflict-affected and high-risk areas:
i) 任何形式的酷刑,残忍、不人道和有辱人格的待遇;
i) Any form of cruel torture, brutality, inhumanity and treatment degrading the dignity;
ii) 任何形式的强迫或强制劳动。强迫或强制劳动是指以惩罚作为威胁 榨取的任何个人的、并非该人自愿提供的劳动或服务;
ii) Any form of forced or compulsory labor. Forced or compulsory labor refers to any personal labor or service not provided voluntarily by such person and squeezed by taking punishment as threat;
iii) The most abominable form of child labor;
iv) Other acts seriously infringing upon and treading human rights, such as general sexual violence act;
v)War crime or other acts seriously violating international humanitarianism, crime against humanity or genocide crime.
Two、Risk management for serious infringement acts:
If we have reasonable grounds to believe that there is such risk, namely upstream suppliers are purchasing items from or related to such party with serious infringement acts specified in Article 1, we will immediately stop or suspend cooperation with such suppliers.
ThreeX or indirect support in non-state armed groups:
我们不会容忍任何通过矿产开采、运输、贸易、处理或出口为非国家武装团体提供直接或间接的支持。通过矿产开采、运输、贸易、处理或出口为非国家武装团体提供 “直接或间接的支持”包括且不限于从非国家武装团体或其关联方购买矿产,向其进行付款,或以其他方式为其提供 后勤支援或设备等。这些武装团体或关联方:
We will not tolerate any direct or indirect support in non-state armed group through mineral exploration, transportation, transaction, processing or export. “direct or indirect support” in non-state armed groups through mineral exploration, transportation, transaction, processing or export includes but is not limited to purchasing mineral products from non-state armed groups or related parties, making payments to them or providing assistance or equipment for them in other ways. These armed groups or related parties:
i)非法控制矿址,或以其他方式控制运输路线、矿产交易点以及供应 链的上游行为主体;
i) Control the mine site illegally or control transport routes, mineral product transaction points and upstream subjects of the supply chain in other ways;
ii) 在矿址入口、运输路线沿线或矿产交易点非法征税或者勒索钱财或矿产;
ii) Impose taxes or extort money or mineral products illegally at entrance of the mine site, along the transport route or at mineral product transaction points;
iii) Impose taxes or extort money from middlemen, export enterprises or international traders illegally.
Four、Risk management for direct or indirect support in non-state armed groups:
If we have reasons to believe that upstream suppliers are purchasing items from or related to such party providing direct or indirect support for non-state armed groups, we will immediately stop or suspend cooperation with such suppliers.
Five、Public or private security forces:
1、We acknowledge that the function of public or private security forces at the mine site and/or around it and/or along transport routes is only to safeguard rule of law, including maintaining human rights, protecting safety of miners, equipment and facilities, protecting the mine site or transport routes to make legal exploration and transaction free from interference.
2、在我们或我们供应链上的任何企业与公共或私人安全武装签订了合约的情况下,我们承诺或者将规定,在与这类安全武装进行合作的过程中将 遵守《安全与人权自愿原则》的规定。尤其是,我们将会支持或采取措 施运用筛查政策,确保已知的实施过严重侵犯人权行为的个人或安全武装单位不被录用。
2、When contracts have been signed by and between any enterprise in the supply chain and us and public or private security forces, we undertake or will specify that provisions of Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights will be followed during cooperation with such security forces. In particular, we will support or take measures and apply screening policy to ensure that individuals or security forces that have committed serious infringement acts will not be employed.
3、我们将支X、国际组织和民间社会组织开 展合作,共同为如何提高公共安全武装安保费用的透明度、相称性和问 责性找到可行的解决方案。
3、We will support cooperation or take measures to cooperate with the central government or local governments, international organizations and social organizations, with a view to jointly finding feasible solutions to improvement of transparency, proportionality and accountability for security expenses of public safety.
4、 我X、国际组织和民间社会组织开展互动, 避免或最大限度地降低公共或私人安全武装驻扎在矿址给弱势群体带来 的负面影响,尤其是对小作坊矿工的负面影响,在这种情况下,供应链上的矿产是通过小作坊或小规模采矿的方式开采出来的小作坊。
4、 We will support communication or take measures to communicate with local governments, international organizations and social organizations to avoid or minimize negative influence of stationing of public or private security forces at the mine site on vulnerable groups, especially miners of small sites. Under this condition, mineral products of the supply chain are from small sites or small sites which exploit mines through small-scale mining.
Six、Risk management for public or private security forces:
如果我们发现在一定程度上存在此类风险,将根据企业在供应链上所处 的具体位置,立即制定、采用和实施上游供应商及其他利益相关方风险 管理计划,从而使第五段中所述的为公共或私人安全武装提供直接或间接支持的风险得到遏制或降低。如果风险管理计划实施六个月未起作用,我们将暂时停止或中断与上游供应商的合作。我们发现在一定程度上有可能存在有违上述行为的情况下,将采取同样的应对措施。
If we find that such risks exist to a certain degree, we will immediately formulate, adopt and implement risk management plans for upstream suppliers and other interested parties according to the specific position of the enterprise in the supply chain, with a view to restricting or reducing risk of providing direct or indirect support for public or private security forces mentioned in paragraph 5. If no effect is observed six months after the risk management plan is implemented, we will temporarily stop or interrupt the cooperation with upstream suppliers. We will take the same countermeasures if we find that violation of above acts may exist to a certain degree.
Seven、Bribery and fraudulent misrepresentation of place of origin of mineral products:
We will not offer, promise, conduct or ask for any bribe, and will resist the temptation. We will not offer bribes for the purpose of covering up or falsifying the place of origin of mineral products and falsely report taxes, fees and royalties to be paid to the government for mineral exploration, transaction, processing, transportation and export activities.
Eight、Money laundering and terrorist financing
If we have reason to believe that, the existence in the supply chain of the risk of money-laundering or terrorist financing arising from or related to the illegal taxation or extortion of minerals derived from the exploitation, trade, processing, transport, export, at the entrance to the mine site, along the transport route, at the trading place of the upstream supplier's minerals, we will support and take measures and report in a timely manner to the public security department of the State Council, the National Security Department and the anti-money-laundering administrative authority, as required, in order to contribute to the effective elimination of money-laundering and the financing of terrorism.
Nine、Taxes, fees and royalties paid to the government:
We will ensure that we will pay the government all legal taxes, fees and royalties related to ore mining, transaction and export in conflict-affected and high-risk areas, and promise to disclose such payments according to the position of the enterprise in the supply chain and the principles of Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI).
Ten、Risk management for bribery and fraudulent misrepresentation of place of origin of mineral products, money laundering and taxes, fees and royalties paid to the government:
According to the specific position of the enterprise in the supply chain, we promise to cooperate with suppliers, central or local government agencies, international organizations, social organizations and affected third parties as appropriate to improve or track the performance with a view to taking significant measures to prevent or reduce the risks with negative influences within a reasonable time span. If no effect is observed upon execution of risk reduction measures, we will temporarily stop or interrupt the cooperation with upstream suppliers.
Gold products provided by qualified suppliers recognized by us must conform to all requirements of LBMA RGG management system. Our related cooperative organizations must carefully verify supplier information and establish supplier information management archives. In addition, supplier risk shall be irregularly assessed and evaluated.
Twelve、Risk management for environment and sustainable development
Qualified suppliers recognized by us need to satisfy legal requirements of local government and sustainable development.
Rectification can be made within a specific time limit in case violations against environmental and sustainable development requirements are found. If the rectification still does not conform to requirements, we will temporarily stop or interrupt the cooperation.
十二、精炼商须通过查询有关下列 ESG 因素的政策和实践,并使用精炼商工具包,解决其原生金供应链中的ESG 因素。 ESG 考量因素基于风险厘定,以反映对手方的性质、规模和复杂性。ESG因素:遵守经营所在国家/地区的环境、健康、安全和劳工法规及
Thirteen、Refiners must address the ESG factors in their primary gold Qingying chain by querying policies and practices regarding the following ESG factors and using the Refiner Toolkit. ESG considerations are risk-based to reflect the nature, size and complexity of the counterparty。ESG factor:Comply with environmental, health, safety and Labour laws and/or company policies in the country/region where operations are conducted.
1、Environmental management, including: Air, water and land pollution and incident management plans Water management, particularly unauthorized procurement from World Heritage Sites and protected areas where water is scarce。
2、Storage, handling, and disposal of hazardous chemicals (including mercury and cyanide) Note: The LBMA recognizes that mercury is primarily used in artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sources and does not prohibit such supply chains. Instead, the LBMA requires refiners to work with these artisanal supply chains to help them establish processes of using mercury safely, limit negative environmental, health and safety impacts, and find alternative solutions to mercury. Refiners should work with upstream producers to encourage them to comply with the international Code of fluoride management.
3、Management of Labour issues, including pay, working hours, collective bargaining, discrimination, diversity, disputes and protection of workers' rights.
4、Community participation and management programme (land acquisition and community resettlement, cultural heritage sites and indigenous peoples, closure planning and protection of vulnerable groups).
Fourteen 、Know Your Customer or counterparty (KYC)
Conduct annual due diligence on supply chain customers in accordance with the latest KYC questionnaire. KYC survey data must be archived for at least 5 years.
Fifteen、Staff training
每年为所有参与黄金供应链的员工制定持续的黄金供应链培训计划,每年开展2次培训。培训内容包括供应链政策、LBMA 负责任黄金指南、供应链反洗钱及反恐怖主义融资政策、KYC调查表、供应链风险等内容。培训过程应记录培训内容,并对员工的出勤状况及其对供应链风险和尽职调查流程的认知进行适当监控。
Develop an ongoing gold supply chain training program for all employees involved in the gold supply chain, with 4 training sessions per year. The training content includes supply chain policy, LBMA Responsible Gold Guide, Supply chain anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing policy, KYC questionnaire, supply chain risk and so on. Training sessions should be documented and staff attendance and awareness of supply chain risks and due diligence processes properly monitored.
X、 Forced labor
1. Definition, background, and content of forced labor:
1.1 Forced labor refers to the act of forcing a worker to engage in labor in violation of their own wishes, using personal freedom as a condition of exchange. This behavior violates the free will of the workers themselves, and is often accompanied by a harsh working environment, low remuneration, and even a threat to personal safety.
1.2 In the supply chain, forced labor may exist in various forms. Firstly, suppliers may use unfair means to hire employees, such as withholding wages, restricting personal freedom, etc., in order to force employees to engage in labor. Secondly, suppliers may violate labor regulations, such as working overtime, receiving low or even unpaid wages. In addition, suppliers may also use methods such as child labor, slavery, or human trafficking for forced labor. These behaviors will seriously infringe upon the rights and interests of employees, violating international labor standards and social ethical norms.
1.3 In order to avoid forced labor issues in the supply chain, enterprises should take a series of measures. Firstly, a strict supplier screening mechanism should be established to select suppliers who respect employee rights and comply with laws and regulations. Secondly, auditing and supervision in the supply chain should be strengthened to promptly identify and resolve potential forced labor issues. In addition, it is necessary to raise the awareness of employees' rights and encourage them to report any form of forced labor behavior. At the same time, governments, international organizations, and non-governmental organizations should also strengthen cooperation to jointly combat forced labor and promote the protection and improvement of global labor rights.
2. Risk identification of forced labor in the supply chain
In the supply chain, the risks of forced labor mainly exist in the following aspects:
2.1 Supplier Management: Suppliers may engage in forced labor, such as the use of child labor, forced labor, etc.
2.2 Production process: There may be forced labor behaviors such as personal freedom restrictions on workers and overtime work during the production process.
2.3 Logistics process: There may be improper treatment of workers in the logistics process, such as overwork, low wages, etc.
2.4 Procurement process: There may be inappropriate requirements for suppliers in the procurement process, such as requiring them to reduce costs, which may lead to suppliers taking unfair measures, such as using forced labor.
3. Risk assessment of forced labor in the supply chain
According to the above identified risks, the forced labor in the supply chain risk assessment, including the following: supplier management risk, production risk, logistics risk, procurement risk. Our company collects data and evaluates the risks of forced labor in the supply chain through questionnaires, field visits, daily communication and online inquiries.
4. Measures to address forced labor in the supply chain
Based on the above evaluation results, the following countermeasures are proposed:
4.1 Strengthen supplier management: Conduct strict review and supervision of suppliers to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations and avoid the use of forced labor.
4.2强化生产环节监管:加强对生产环节的监管力度,确保工人的人身自由不受限制,超时工作等强迫劳动行为得到有效遏制。3. 优化物流环节:通过合理的劳动安排和福利待遇,提高物流环节工人的工作积极性和生活水平,降低强迫劳动的风险。
4.2 Strengthen supervision of production processes: Strengthen the supervision of production processes to ensure that the personal freedom of workers is not restricted, and forced labor behaviors such as overtime work are effectively curbed. 3. Optimize the logistics process: Through reasonable labor arrangements and welfare benefits, improve the work enthusiasm and living standards of logistics workers, and reduce the risk of forced labor.
4.3 Establishing a compliance culture in the procurement process: In the procurement process, enterprises should establish a compliance culture to avoid making unreasonable demands on suppliers, thereby reducing the risk of suppliers using improper means.
5. The mitigation plan and implementation records for the risk of forced labor should include the following content:
5.1 Risk assessment: Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the risks of forced labor, including identifying potential risk factors and affected groups.
5.2 目标设定:制定明确的缓解目标,确保减少或消除强迫劳动的发生。
5.2 Goal setting: Set clear mitigation goals to ensure the reduction or elimination of forced labor.
5.3 Strategies and Measures: Develop specific strategies and measures, including compliance with laws and regulations, employee training, establishment of supervision mechanisms, risk prevention and handling measures, etc.
5.4 Resource allocation: Determine the required resources, including human, material, and financial resources, to support the implementation of the mitigation plan.
5.5 实施计划:制定详细的实施计划,包括责任X配、时间表和监督机制。
5.5 Implementation Plan: Develop a detailed implementation plan, including responsibility allocation, schedule, and supervision mechanism.
5.6 监测和评估:建立监测和评估机制,定期检查强迫劳动风险的情况,评估缓解措施的有效性,并及时调X。
5.6 Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish a monitoring and evaluation mechanism, regularly check the risk of forced labor, evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation measures, and make timely adjustments.
5.7 记录和报告:记录所有相关数据和行动,并定期向相关利益相关者报告缓解计划的进展和效果。
5.7 Recording and Reporting: Record all relevant data and actions, and regularly report the progress and effectiveness of mitigation plans to relevant stakeholders.
5.8 Continuous improvement: Based on monitoring and evaluation results, continuously improve the mitigation plan to ensure continuous and effective reduction of the risk of forced labor.
6. The main content of the appeal process for forced labor should include the following elements:
6.1 渠道和方式:明确指定申诉的渠道和方式,例如可以通过书面信函、电子邮X进行申诉。
6.1 Channels and Methods: Clearly specify the channels and methods for appeals, such as through written letters, emails, phone calls, or online platforms.
6.2 接收申诉的部门或人员:指定负责接收和处理申诉的部门或人员,并提供其联系方式,确保申诉者能够方便地进行沟通。
6.2 Department or personnel responsible for receiving and handling appeals: Designate the department or personnel responsible for receiving and handling appeals, and provide their contact information to ensure that the appellant can communicate conveniently.
6.3 保密和保护:强调申诉者的个人信息将被保密处理,并保证不会因提出申诉而受到任何形式的报复或惩罚。
6.3 Confidentiality and Protection: Emphasize that the personal information of the complainant will be kept confidential and ensure that they will not be subject to any form of retaliation or punishment for filing an appeal.
6.4 Handling process: Clarify the handling process of appeals, including the investigation, verification, evaluation, and resolution steps after receiving appeals, as well as the notification method and time limit for handling results.
6.5 调查和证据收集:对申诉所涉及的情况进行调查和核实,收集相关证据和资料,以便进行合理的判断和决策。
6.5 Investigation and Evidence Collection: Investigate and verify the situation involved in the appeal, collect relevant evidence and information, in order to make reasonable judgments and decisions.
6.6 决策和解决:根据调查结果和相关证据,作出合理的决策并采取适当的措施解决问题,如对涉事员工提供支持和保护,制定改进措施等。
6.6 Decision making and Resolution: Based on the investigation results and relevant evidence, make reasonable decisions and take appropriate measures to solve the problem, such as providing support and protection to the employees involved, and developing improvement measures.
6.7 Recording and Reporting: Record the appeal handling process and promptly report the handling results to relevant stakeholders to ensure transparency and impartiality.
6.8 Dissatisfaction Handling Mechanism: A mechanism that provides the complainant with a satisfactory handling result, such as a review procedure for appeals or third-party intermediary intervention, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the complainant.
These contents can be detailed in the company's human resources policy or social responsibility policy to ensure that the company can promptly and effectively handle complaints of adverse phenomena such as forced labor, and protect the rights and well-being of employees.
Sixteen、Complaint mechanism
Our company's Gold Supply Chain Management Policy will be published annually in the official website of Yunnan Gold Mining Group, if you find our company in the gold supply chain mining, smelting, transportation, processing trade, and so on the existence of the above-mentioned situation, you can contact us through the following ways, your comments and suggestions timely feedback to us. We will protect your privacy, to report the information of strict confidentiality, to prevent any acts of retaliation.
Website: ***pan>
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Tel: +X-(0)X-X +X-(0)X-X
Yunnan Dianjin Investment Co., Ltd.