杭州临空经济示范区《阳城滨江片区(含大堤)概念性方案暨方案深化设计》国际征集预公告International Solicitation Pre-Announcement for the Concept....._采购与招标网
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  • 杭州临空经济示范区《阳城滨江片区(含大堤)概念性方案暨方案深化设计》国际征集预公告International Solicitation Pre-Announcement for the Concept.....

    采购与招标网   ,机械电子电器   浙江   2024-05-20

  • 招标代理公司( 立即查看 )受业主单位( 立即查看 )委托,于在采购与招标网发布 杭州临空经济示范区《阳城滨江片区(含大堤)概念性方案暨方案深化设计》国际征集预公告International Solicitation Pre-Announcement for the Concept..... 现邀请全国供应商参与投标,有意向的单位请及时联系项目联系人参与投标。


    International Solicitation Pre-Announcement for the Conceptual and Deepening Design Scheme of the Yangcheng Riverside Area (including the Embankment) in the Hangzhou Airport Economic Demonstration Zone

    1 项目背景

    1. Project background


    In response to the municipal government's high-level initiative to construct the Hangzhou Airport Economic Demonstration ZoneHAEDZand accelerate the development of the Intelligent Manufacturing Corridor in Eastern Hangzhou, we aim to boost the real economy, enhance manufacturing capabilities, and increase industrial competitiveness. The Hangzhou Airport Economic Demonstration Zone, centered on the objectives of "Two Ports and Two High Grounds," is embarking on a new chapter of construction. We are now seeking internationally oriented, forward-thinking, and innovative detailed design proposals for the Yangcheng Riverside Area within the HAEDZinitiation zone. The goal is to establish the Yangcheng Riverside Area as a strategic leader in the initiation zone, a benchmark area for future airport-related industrial development, a dynamic zone integrating port, industry, and city, and a prime demonstration area along the riverfront. Guiding the high-quality construction of the area.


    The Yangcheng Riverside Area is located north of Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport, at the confluence of the Qiantang River estuary and urban blocks. It serves as an important gateway and is a crucial industrial block in the northern wing of the HAEDZ.The project area is bordered by the Qiantang River to the west, the Central Ring Expressway to the east, Xiaoshan Airport and Biotechnology Valley to the south, and Baihu Mountain to the north.

    2 设计原则

    2. Design Principles


    1International Vision and Advanced Concepts


    The design schemesshould incorporate international perspectives, addressing key issues such as industrial planning, spatial morphology, and mixed functions, etc. They should employ new technologies, methods, and concepts, advocate for low-carbon and green development, and propose creative and implementable planning strategies and design schemes.


    2People-Centric, Vibrant, and Inclusive


    Emphasize the spatial experience and relationships from a human-centric perspective, focusing on the needs of people. Enhance urban quality through scene creation, address functional shortcomings, and develop a composite industrial area dominated by industry but integrated with cultural tourism and leisure activities.


    3Flexible and Efficient Use of Space


    Considering the uncertainties of future industrial development and the specific needs of industrial spaces, explore highly adaptable and flexible industrial space organization models and products. Coordinate future rail line alignments and station layouts to promote efficient land use in the area.


    4Returning the Embankment to the People, Integrating it into the Landscape


    With the overarching goal of creating a "world-class waterfront" along the Qiantang River, the design should draw extensively from both domestic and international waterfront development experiences. Emphasize safety as the foremost priority and adopt a human-centric approach. Incorporate public art, cultural features, and leisure activities to create a vibrant and dynamic riverside area.


    5Holistic Planning and Practical Implementation


    Follow a holistic planning and phased development approach, formulating a comprehensive blueprint for the Yangcheng Riverside Area with a reasonable development timeline. Ensure the feasibility and implementability of the proposals to avoid overly conceptual designs that are difficult to execute.

    3 征集范围

    3. Scope of Solicitation


    The scope of the solicitation includes two levels as detailed in the map below.


    Research Area: North to Yigongduan Henghe, east to the Central Ring Expressway, south to Yinanhenghe, and west to the Qiantang River (including emergency riverbanks and tidal embankments), covering approximately 8.9 square kilometers.


    Design Area: North to Nanyang Henghe, south to the foothills of Meinv Mountain, west to the Qiantang River (including emergency riverbanks and tidal embankments), and east to Meishi West Road, covering approximately 1.1 square kilometers.

    4 方案设计任务

    4. Design Tasks



    lConceptual Planning for the Research Area:

    For the 8.9 square kilometer research area, ensure the integrated coordination of riverfront and hinterland spaces. Fully leverage regional characteristics, industrial features, and transportation advantages. Drawing from advanced international airport industrial development concepts, provide overall planning for target positioning, industrial formats, morphology, and riverbank integration. Identify three key research nodes: the area around the exhibition center (including the riverfront west), Wuli Village and its surroundings, and the Moon Bay Headquarters Base, proposing distinctive, detailed, and actionable planning strategies and schemes.



    lDetailed Design for the Design Area:

    For the 1.1 square kilometer design area, deepen and refine the key elements and requirements from the conceptual planning of the research area. Conduct detailed design to the depth of conceptual architectural and landscape design. This includes but is not limited to design concepts, industrial planning, detailed functional layout and formats, spatial morphology design, integrated riverbank and hinterland space design, traffic organization and pedestrian system optimization, public space design, and landscape coordination.

    5 日程安排

    5. Schedule






    The solicitation process will be conducted openly and divided into the following phases:

    1Phase One: Prequalification and Concept Proposal Selection

    Tentative Dates: May X, X (tentatively) – Mid to Late June X

    2Phase Two: Proposal Development and Evaluation

    Tentative Dates: Late June X – Early to Mid-September X

    6 征集费用

    6. Bonus setting


    Details will be announced in subsequent information releases.

    7 组织单位

    7. Organizing Units



    Hosts: Hangzhou Airport Economic Demonstration Zone Management Committee, Hangzhou LinkongConstruction Investment Group Co., Ltd.


    Technical Guidance: Hangzhou XiaoshanBureau of Planning and Natural Resources


    Organizer: Hangzhou Exhibition TownConstruction Co., Ltd.


    Technical Service: Hangzhou Planning and Design Research Institute

    Tender Agent: Oubon Engineering Management Group Co., Ltd.

    8 报名方式及报名要求

    8. Registration Method and Requirements


    1Registration Method

    预报名:可编制“项目名称+投标人名称+联系电话”向邮箱提交预报名信息(最终报名结果以征集公告要求为准) ,并密切关注后续信息发布。

    Pre-registration: Interested parties can send pre-registration information with "Project Name + Bidder Name + Contact Phone Number&Xinal registration results will be subject to the solicitation announcement requirements.) Please closely follow subsequent information releases.


    Formal Registration: The solicitation announcement is tentatively scheduled for May X, X, when formal registration will begin. Interested design firms are encouraged to participate actively.


    Project Homepage: ***cn/ (Search for "Hangzhou Airport Economic Demonstration Zone Yangcheng Riverside Area (including the Embankment) Conceptual and Detailed Design Scheme International Solicitation")


    2Registration Requirements


    The solicitation accepts registrations from individual firms (domestic participants) or joint registrations. For joint registrations, the lead entity must be a domestic firm, and the joint participants should not exceed three members. Individual and personal group registrations are not accepted. Units applying as a consortium must sign a consortium agreement.


    Domestic participants must have Grade A qualifications in urban and rural planning or architectural design. International participants must hold relevant design qualifications or licenses issued by their home country or region, and provide corresponding proof.


    Given the involvement of industrial planning and hydraulic specialties, joint registrations are encouraged, with design teams equipped with relevant professional designers.

    9 联系方式

    9. Contact Information


    Inquiry Email:


    Inquiry Phone:

    许工(招标代理) +X-X-X/+X-X

    Xu (Tender Agent): +X-X-X / +X-X


    Zhang (Host): +X-X-X / +X-X







